Getting started: How to Switch to Raw Dog Food
How do I get started? How do I switch from processed food to a Cotswold RAW diet?
Most dogs will wolf down the tasty raw dog food immediately. For the more cautious, gradually switch to Cotswold RAW dog food by decreasing the amounts of kibble over a seven day period. It will take between one to two weeks to see the benefits. See our blog post on the issues around "grain free" in pet food. See here for how much to feed per day.Can I feed Cotswold RAW food and kibble at the same time?
A raw dog food diet is better for your dog and so we recommend not feeding kibble at all. However, we all lead busy lives and kibble has the benefit of a long shelf life and hence is more readily available. If you must feed processed food, find a top quality, grain-free product and use it as a 'back-up'. When transitioning to a raw diet many raw feeding nutritionists suggest not mixing raw food with kibble in the same meal (as different enzymes are required to digest protein and carbohydrate), and feeding separate meals, but in our experience most dogs can cope, Your dog will probably be the one who will let you know which it prefers. However, it's best to think of it as you would feed yourself - maybe a ready meal when you get back late from work but a wholesome meat and two veg at the weekend!Why is my dog drinking less water daily? Should I be concerned?
No, there is absolutely no reason to be concerned. Unlike kibble, raw dog food is full of naturally occurring moisture. Kibble needs a lot of water to re-hydrate whereas all the moisture needed to digest raw food is contained within it.Having said that, always ensure that your dog has an adequate supply of fresh water available.
Discover what benefits raw dog food can have for your dog on our raw dog food benefits page.