Willow’s going to Crufts 2024 | James Adams

For the fourth year in a row, Willow and James are off to Crufts to compete in the Championship Final!

The pair have been chasing a championship ticket all year at shows up and down the UK, hoping to win that elusive ticket to the Championship final at Crufts.

This year, up in the beautiful Lake District, James and Willow finally won their ticket at the Lune Valley Dog Agility show. Not only is this show set in the stunning surroundings of Kendal but now will forever hold a place in our hearts as a show where Willow and James got that golden ticket.

The Championship fFnal at Crufts for Willow will take place on Thursday 7th March 2024 in the main arena, which will be live on YouTube and quite possibly showcased on TV if we’re lucky.

James and Willow will be around all day at Crufts, so if you see them do say hello and wish them luck!