I have always loved the weimaraner breed and currently own two, Faida and Wizz Bang. I feel it is incredibly important that we represent the breed to their fullest potential. Over the years, we have competed in the show ring, agility ring and the canicross circuit. However, I felt it was time for a new challenge for both of my dogs.
Both Faida and Wizz Bang are registered therapy dogs, working for Therapy Dogs Nationwide. Dogs registered with the charity go through temperament and suitability testing, and, once they have passed, are placed within hospitals, hospices, schools, care homes, prisons, work places and anywhere else where therapy may be beneficial.
My two dogs are lucky enough to have been welcomed into a mental health facility. Faida provides therapy for youngsters, and Wizz Bang works alongside adolescents. We meet people with varying degrees of mental health and patients with different issues. The dogs both love their visits and they have made some lovely friends.
The way the dogs know who needs them most each week is incredible. Faida is very happy for his friends to sit around and stroke him while he flakes out on the floor. Wizz sits by the feet of the friend who needs her the most that particular day.
I was asked why I volunteered with my dogs for this charity. My answer was this…. my dogs give me so much joy, joy that I wanted to pass on to others. More importantly I know they are making a difference.
Therapy Dogs Nationwide are a really refreshing charity. They are more than happy to have raw fed dogs on their books, so I know that I can still feed my dogs the very best food and make a difference. They are fit and fabulous!