Paws to Podium

Dog showing agility

Sadly that’s all the Christmas and New Year festivities over for another year. We (including the furry ones!) were fortunate to have a change of scene over the Christmas holidays, spending some time in East Yorkshire where it’s been the usual mix of over indulgence on the food front counter-balanced by plenty of fresh air and exercise including a wonderful Boxing Day dog walk spent plodding off all that Christmas pud along the miles of golden sandy beach at Fraisthorpe much to Jasmine and Flyte’s delight. Talking of food, even Jasmine and Flyte didn’t miss out on Christmas dinner this year as they were able to tuck into their Cotswold RAW special Christmas recipe “Three Bird Raw” complete with tasty seasonal veg which definitely got the paws up from both of them.

As the saying goes “all good things must come to an end” and now it’s back to normality. Normality for us though is good as it means we can now return to our agility training after our month’s winter break and we are very excited to be back I must say. As well as our weekly training at Melton Agility Club we also have some super agility workshops lined up with some of the country’s top agility stars which Flyte and I are really looking forward to. So, with all that training going on I had decided we would take a break from competition until the end of March but there was one little independent show that caught my eye and I couldn’t resist entering that one just to keep our eye in!

Paws to Podium are running a series of Winter agility fun days at the fabulous Halefield Stud near Peterborough and it was actually their USP that particularly caught my eye. They offer all graded 1-7 dogs over what will be the new lower jump heights come January 2020, one agility course and one jumping course for their particular grade, but here’s the twist ….. each handler/dog combo has the opportunity to run each of the two courses twice with their best result from both runs counting as their overall placing in the competition so a chance to improve on those areas where it hadn’t quite gone according to plan first time round. How good is that! For Flyte and I this scenario worked perfectly in our Grade 7 Jumping class with a handling error at our first attempt corrected second time around turning our first round elimination into a class win! So, any agility enthusiasts out there looking for a little Winter agility competition practice and fun, Paws to Podium could be the show for you. There’s another one in early February so hurry and get your entry in now as the closing date is looming!