Delivery update – COVID 19

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As per our update last week, we are continuing to take all precautions here at Cotswold RAW, as per the guidelines from the Government.

We are pleased to see that the Pet Food Manufacturers Association has confirmed with Government that, for the moment, specialist pet shops are considered ‘essential’ and can remain open, as can businesses supplying them.

We appreciate, however, that not all shops will wish to remain open in the current circumstances and we understand their position. Should your local retailer be shut, or if you’re in self isolation and can’t pick up dog food from a retailer, please contact us.

Our delivery vans are operating as normal and we are in regular contact with our courier (APC) to make sure we know of any changes to their working practices. Please be aware that there may be some slight delay due to the unprecedented level of demand but we will do our best to get food to you as soon as possible

Again we would like to reiterate that we hope you and your pets stay safe and healthy during this period.

Very best wishes,

Cotswold RAW